Caber Toss

Probably the most famous test of all for its spectacularly.
It is said that this peculiar test was developed on the basis of the necessary ability to lay logs in the frequent ravines of the Highlands. Consisting of aโ€ tronquito ” of up to 7 meters, (usually 6 meters) of about 80kg weight. Starting from an upright position in which participants must hold vertically in front of them with their hands at the narrowest end of the trunk, once in balance they must throw the trunk, not to get more distance, because it is not important but to get it over the longer axis and that the part that was in contact with the hands becomes the most distant from the pitcher. The points will be divided according to whether or not they achieve the objective and the straightness of the fall, because the closer they get to 12 o’clock (of a clock) the better the launch has been. The length and weight of the trunk are also important for the score.

Stone Put

Known as weight throw, it is one of the tests that is included within the Olympic Games, but with some changes; as is the material and weight of the object thrown, that in the case of the Scottish test the ball thrown is made of stone.
The technique is free, as long as the limits of the launch area are respected, the ball must be attached to the neck until the moment of launch. This test also has its female version and the only difference lies in the size and weight of the stone to be thrown.
The goal, in this case is the distance, taking the view the longest pitch.

Scottish Hammer Throw

This test bears many similarities to that present at the Olympic Games. It consists of a metal ball with a weight of 10 kg and a handle of just over a rigid meter, this being the main difference.
The only rule is to throw the hammer without moving the feet of the site,so that the participants turn the hammer over their heads to throw it immediately.
Just like the previous Test wins the longest shot at the first contact of the object against the ground.

Weight Release

It is one of the most acclaimed tests both by the participants with the great rivalry between them, and by the audience assistant, for the spectacularly of the test. This one, yes, is the proof that most resembles the Olympic hammer throwing test. The object released consists of a piece of metal weighing just over 20 kg and held by a chain to a handle.
The rules are simple; the object is only allowed to be launched with one hand. The winner of the test is the one who throws the object the furthest.

Weight Launch in Height

It consists of launching an object of more than 20 kg, seeking to achieve the highest possible height.
The rules governing this test are: it is part of a height previously chosen by the athlete himself, the object must be cast only with one hand, are only allowed three attempts for each of the heights in which it participates, the athlete, the technique is diverse, as is passing the weight between the legs or turning over yourself to pick up momentum before releasing the weight.